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Altrincham Preparatory School
4.(a) The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils
The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent, from the EYFS onwards,
promoted by strong relationships within the school community and the outstanding
pastoral care shown by all staff. Pupils throughout the school have excellent, well-
developed personal qualities, in accordance with the aims of the school. They are
confident and articulate, and take an obvious pride both in their own achievements
and in those of others.
Pupils have a highly developed spiritual awareness, which is shown in the
appreciation of their outstanding artistic and creative displays, and their participation
in a variety of musical events and cultural experiences in which they are strongly
encouraged. Assemblies provide the opportunity for pupils and staff to come
together. This time is used to reinforce the school’s spiritual and social awareness
through collective worship, and the shared celebration of various sporting results,
and of individual and group musical achievement. Pupils have high levels of self-
esteem, yet are also caring and considerate towards others, respectful of their views
and sensitive towards their feelings. They also develop self-confidence and take
pride in their achievements through musical and dramatic performances.
The pupils’ moral development is excellent; they have a strong moral code, which is
upheld by staff and permeates daily life. Pupils develop their independent thinking
and consider world issues, along with an understanding of the needs of other
countries. Charity events continue throughout the year and closely involve pupils,
parents and staff. Pupils regularly discuss matters of the moment in class and
assemblies and this encourages them to think about the effect of their actions on
other people. Pupils have a clear sense of right and wrong, and of justice and
fairness. They understand and support the high standards of behaviour expected of
them. They embrace the reward system, which includes the awarding of house
points. Sanctions are clear, but rarely need to be used.
Pupils demonstrate excellent social awareness as they share facilities and feel that
they are all part of a caring, kind school. Older pupils show consideration for
younger pupils and the house system enables team spirit to develop. Behaviour
within and around the school is exemplary. A relaxed yet respectful relationship
between pupils and staff allows them to share the common goals of a joy of learning
and doing their best, whatever the task. Pupils’ personal development is enhanced
as they learn about public institutions and services, the wider community and how
they should respond in difficult situations, through the PSHE course. These
experiences allow them to share the joy of learning and fulfilment.
Pupils have a strong appreciation of cultural diversity which comes from their RE
work on alternative faiths, cultures and traditions. They also develop their
understanding of other cultures in subjects such as geography, history and music
where they study music from around the world. They understand about the festivals
and places of worship of different religions. In addition they develop a strong
awareness of their own culture through visits to museums, theatres and other places
of cultural interest.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2010